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09 January 2016

ARTICLE: Resist Temptation || Read For Free

Satan Tempts Jesus (Matthew 4:1-11)
Then Jesus (Jesus Christ) was led up by The Spirit (The Holy Spirit) into the wilderness, to be tempted by the devil. And when He (Jesus Christ) had fasted Forty Days and Forty Nights, afterward He (Jesus Christ) was hungry. Now when the tempter (the devil) came to Him (Jesus Christ), he (the devil) said, “IF YOU (Jesus Christ) are The Son of God (God Almighty), Command that these stones become bread.” But He (Jesus Christ) answered and said, “It Is Written, ‘Man shall NOT live by bread alone, but by Every Word that proceeds from The Mouth of God (God Almighty).’” (See: Deuteronomy 8:3) Then the devil took Him (Jesus Christ) up into The Holy City (Jerusalem), set Him (Jesus Christ) on The Pinnacle of The Temple, and said to Him (Jesus Christ), “IF YOU (Jesus Christ) are The Son of God (God Almighty), throw Yourself (Jesus Christ) down. For it is written: ‘He (God Almighty) shall give His Angels Charge over YOU (Jesus Christ),’ and, ‘In Their (God’s Holy Angels) Hands, They (God’s Holy Angels) shall bear YOU (Jesus Christ) up, lest YOU (Jesus Christ) dash Your (Jesus Christ’s) Foot against a stone.’” (See: Psalm 91:11-12) Jesus (Jesus Christ) said to him (the devil), “It Is Written again, ‘YOU (the devil) shall NOT Tempt The LORD, Your God (God Almighty).’” (See: Deuteronomy 6:16) Again, the devil took Him (Jesus Christ) up on an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him (Jesus Christ), All The Kingdoms of the World and their glory. And he (the devil) said to Him (Jesus Christ), “All these things I (the devil) will give YOU (Jesus Christ), IF YOU (Jesus Christ) will fall down and worship me (the devil).” Then Jesus (Jesus Christ) said to him (the devil), “Away with YOU, Satan! For It Is Written, ‘YOU shall Worship The LORD, Your God (God Almighty), and Him (God Almighty) ONLY, YOU shall Serve.’” (See: Deuteronomy 6:13) Then the devil left Him, and behold, Angels (God’s Holy Angels) came and Ministered to Him (Jesus Christ).

Satan Tempts Jesus (Luke 4:1-13)
Then Jesus (Jesus Christ), being filled with The Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by The Spirit (The Holy Spirit) into the wilderness, being tempted for Forty Days, by the devil. And in Those Days He (Jesus Christ) ate nothing, and afterward, when they (Those Days) had ended, He (Jesus Christ) was hungry. And the devil said to Him (Jesus Christ), “IF YOU (Jesus Christ) are The Son of God (God Almighty), Command this stone to become bread.” But Jesus (Jesus Christ) answered him (the devil), saying, “It Is Written, ‘Man shall NOT live by bread alone, but by Every Word of God (God Almighty).’” (See: Deuteronomy 8:3) Then the devil, taking Him (Jesus Christ) up on a high mountain, showed Him (Jesus Christ), All The Kingdoms of the World, in a Moment of Time. And the devil said to Him (Jesus Christ), “All this authority, I (the devil) will give YOU (Jesus Christ), and their glory; for this has been delivered to me (the devil), and I (the devil) give it to whomever I (the devil) wish. Therefore, IF YOU (Jesus Christ) will worship before me (the devil), all will be Yours (Jesus Christ’s).” And Jesus (Jesus Christ) answered and said to him (the devil), “Get behind Me, Satan! For It Is Written, ‘YOU shall Worship The LORD, Your God (God Almighty), and Him (God Almighty) ONLY, YOU shall Serve.’ ” (See: Deuteronomy 6:13) Then he (the devil) brought Him (Jesus Christ) to Jerusalem, set Him (Jesus Christ) on The Pinnacle of The Temple, and said to Him (Jesus Christ), “IF YOU (Jesus Christ) are The Son of God (God Almighty), throw Yourself (Jesus Christ) down from here. For it is written: ‘He (God Almighty) shall give His Angels (God’s Holy Angels) Charge over YOU (Jesus Christ), to keep YOU (Jesus Christ),’ and, ‘In Their (God’s Holy Angels) Hands, They (God’s Holy Angels) shall bear YOU (Jesus Christ) up, lest YOU (Jesus Christ) dash Your (Jesus Christ’s) Foot against a stone.’” (See: Psalm 91:11-12) And Jesus (Jesus Christ) answered and said to him (the devil), “It has been said, ‘YOU (the devil) shall NOT tempt The LORD, Your God (God Almighty).’” (See: Deuteronomy 6:16) Now when the devil had ended every temptation, he (the devil) departed from Him (Jesus Christ), until an opportune time.

Remember The LORD Your God (Deuteronomy 8:3)
“So He (God Almighty) humbled YOU (God Almighty’s People), allowed YOU (God Almighty’s People) to hunger, and fed YOU (God Almighty’s People) with manna, which YOU (God Almighty’s People) did NOT know nor did your fathers know, that He (God Almighty) might make YOU (God Almighty’s People) know, that Man shall NOT live by bread alone; but Man lives by Every Word, that proceeds from The Mouth of The LORD (God Almighty).”

Safety Of Abiding In The Presence Of God (Psalm 91:11-12)
“For He (God Almighty) shall give His Angels charge over YOU (God Almighty’s People), to keep YOU (God Almighty’s People) in all your ways. In Their (God’s Holy Angels) Hands, They (God’s Holy Angels) shall bear YOU (God Almighty’s People) up, lest YOU (God Almighty’s People) dash Your Foot against a stone.”
Note how the devil, Satan, misuses these Scriptures (Psalm 91:11-12).

Caution Against Disobedience (Deuteronomy 6:16)
“YOU shall NOT tempt The LORD, Your God (God Almighty), as YOU tempted Him (God Almighty), in Massah.”

Caution Against Disobedience (Deuteronomy 6:13)
“YOU shall fear The LORD, Your God (God Almighty) and Serve Him (God Almighty), and shall take Oaths in His (God Almighty’s) Name.”

Jesus Predicts His Death On The Cross (John 12:27-31)
“Now My (Jesus Christ’s) Soul is troubled, and what shall I (Jesus Christ) say? ‘Father (God Almighty), save Me (Jesus Christ) from this Hour’? But for this purpose I (Jesus Christ) came to this Hour. Father (God Almighty), Glorify Your (God Almighty’s) Name.” Then a Voice (God Almighty’s) came from Heaven, saying, “I (God Almighty) have both Glorified it (God Almighty’s Name) and will Glorify it (God Almighty’s Name) again.” Therefore the people who stood by and heard it said that it had thundered. Others said, “An Angel has spoken to Him (Jesus Christ).” Jesus (Jesus Christ) answered and said, “This Voice (God Almighty’s) did NOT come because of Me (Jesus Christ), but for your sake. Now is The Judgment of this World; now, the ruler of this World (the devil, Satan) will be Cast Out.
Note how Jesus Christ calls the devil (Satan), “the ruler of this world”, in John 12:31.

Loving God Under Trials (James 1:12-15)
Blessed is the man (Believers) who endures temptation; for when he (Believers) has been Approved, he (Believers) will receive The Crown of Life, which The Lord (Jesus Christ) has Promised, to those (Believers) who Love Him (Jesus Christ). Let NO ONE say when he is tempted, “I am tempted by God (God Almighty)”; for God (God Almighty) cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He (God Almighty), Himself, tempt ANYONE (to sin). But each one (Believers, Yet-To-Be-Believers, and Unbelievers) is tempted (to sin) when he is drawn away (by the devil, Satan), by his own desires (to sin) and enticed (to sin). Then, when desire (to sin) has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death.
Two Key Verses (Which state the same Command.)

Matthew 4:10
Then Jesus (Jesus Christ) said to him (the devil), “Away with YOU, Satan! For It Is Written, ‘YOU shall Worship The LORD, Your God (God Almighty), and Him (God Almighty) ONLY, YOU shall Serve.’ ”

Luke 4:8
And Jesus (Jesus Christ) answered and said to him (the devil), “Get behind Me, Satan! For It Is Written, ‘YOU shall Worship The LORD, Your God (God Almighty), and Him (God Almighty) ONLY, YOU shall Serve.’ ”

Fellow Believers, when We (Believers) are tempted by sin, to sin; We (Believers) have many resources, at Our (Believers) disposal, to aide Us, in Our Fight, Our Battle. We (Believers) have God Almighty, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, The Holy Bible, Our Church, Our Pastor, Our Deacons, Our Spouses, Our Family, Fellow Believers, and yes, Ourselves. God Almighty’s Word, The Holy Bible, is One of The Most Valuable Tools, in Our (Believers) Arsenal! When We are tempted, We MUST delve into God’s Word! When Unbelievers challenge Us (Believers), asking why We Believe, We have God’s Word, to explain Our Faith, but We (Believers) leave proving it (Why We have such Faith, such Trust in The Truth) to them (Unbelievers), up to God Almighty and Jesus Christ.

For It Is Written, “YOU (Believers) Shall Worship The LORD, Your God (God Almighty), and Him (God Almighty) ONLY, YOU (Believers) Shall Serve!”
Always, Always, Always, keep God Almighty, as Your First Priority! Always, Always, Always, Worship The LORD, Your God (God Almighty), and Serve ONLY Him (God Almighty)!

Finally Believers, may God Almighty, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, God Almighty’s Word (The Holy Bible), and Fellow Believers, always give YOU strength, in your times of need. Amen.

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