After making a strong impression in less than six months with the release of her debut song, “JESUS”, De-Ola, a modest and spirit filled Gospel music minister has followed that up with yet an extra- ordinary, timely and unique song, video and message; “He’s Coming Back Again”.
This video(message) featuring Israel Strong brings alive the need for the church,every believer and individual to prepare for the coming of the Lord, to keep the fire burning; to keep marching on!De-Ola , a committed believer, leader/director of a thriving choir and arguably Nigeria’s fastest growing Gospel music minister recalled her encounter with the Holy Spirit in writing this song.
In her words, “The Holy Spirit took me to the article on Dec. 17th of Rhapsody of Realities written by Rev. Chris Oyakhilome, D. Sc, DD. Based her experience with the Holy Spiri ton this song, she is convinced that this video and timely message will change your life foreveras you watch and meditate on it… Watch it. Meditate on it, Act on it,Sponsor it, Spread it and be transformed forever.