Unforsaken is the newest written song on the album "The Bigger Picture."
I was in such a place of sorrow from watching news story after news
story from both local and nationwide things happening around the world
and it seemed as though darkness was winning. It's everywhere and the
world seems so numb to it. As the first line of the song says, "Darkness
bleeds all around me...my fear is in the stains it leaves."
I felt so
defeated in wanting to shine the light of God and be a world-changer but
feeling inadequate to do so. After all, I'm one person. But in that
moment, God reminded me of David, Moses and Paul etc. All of the flawed
men who did great things not of their own power and ability but
God's...they were vessels.
I'm a vessel! So, I sat down full of this
God-inspired reminder and began to write the song "Unforsaken" as an
anthem that yes, life is hard and the world is full of darkness but each
and every one of us can use our gifts, our callings, our abilities in
the Hands of God to shake this world for Jesus and be a beacon of hope,
love and grace to a dying world to pierce that darkness. I pray the song
also challenges us all to do so and remember to whom we belong! Greater
is He that is in me, than he that is in this world (1 John 4:4) and,
if God is for us, who can stand against us? (Romans 8:31)