Brand New Release from famous Gospel Artist
LoveCollide, Titled: Yaweh.
This is a music you can't afford to miss!
About LoveCollide
goal of our music is to inspire others to live an abundant life through
an authentic relationship with an authentic God. Our mission is to
awaken a movement to ignite a wildfire passion for Jesus in the hearts
of this generation and those to come.”
emerging sound of today’s most current pop infused with rock, and
hearts sold out for Jesus Christ equals LoveCollide. Two sisters, Lauren
and Brooke DeLeary, began singing together as little girls, sharing a
room, singing into their hairbrushes. Not long after, they began writing
music and at age 13 and 16 they started to record. A year later in 2011
they released their first EP, under the name “The DeLearys”. This EP
reflected the fact that these girls had it all. They wrote the songs and
played nearly all the instruments on the tracks (Lauren on keyboard and
bass, Brooke on drums, percussion and guitar). Though their music was
faith-based and positive it was not overtly Christian and they both felt
like their music was missing the most important part of the equation.
have a huge passion for Christians to be bold in their faith,” they
explained, “for people to draw a line in the sand and choose living for
their King. We want to encourage those who feel lost or alone that there
is Hope—and someone who loves them—and his name is Jesus.”
their renewed direction, Lauren and Brooke began opening for artists
such as Laura Story and Natalie Grant, and writing more songs, drawing
from their own struggles, hurts, faith, and devotion. What you get is
pure emotion. Their self-titled CD LoveCollide is a 12-song project that
reflects their bold witness and personal journey. As one listener said,
“It’s rock, it’s worship, it’s prayer, all in one. I weep singing,
‘Lord I’m yours to break, strip away the fake / Bring me to my knees . .
. I wanna be real, I wanna be true, I wanna mean the things I do / I
wanna be brave, I wanna be loud, I need you to show me how.’”
want this CD to reach to depths of people’s lives,” say Lauren and
Brooke. “There is too much fluff and surface pop music. We all have
lives that are messy, and hurts that are real. We also have a God that
sees into the depths of our lives, the places that people may not see.
We want our music to reach those places.”
Why “LoveCollide”? Lauren and Brooke explain:
boils down to the cross. The cross is where God’s incredible LOVE for
us COLLIDED with our wretched sin! When you finally understand that kind
of love you cannot help but fall more in love with Him and that is when
real abundant life begins! We also have a passion for others to see who
they truly are in the eyes of Christ and to find their identity in Him.
When you begin to see how much He loves you, it changes your life