We hear a lot about "me time," but what about "Him time"--Him meaning God?
In every empowered believer's life, it is necessary that there be ample uninterrupted communion with the Lord. Are you ready to make divine fellowship a top priority and wondering how?
If so, here are 5 proven ways to spend more time with God. Organized by praisejamzblog.com
#1 Silence your cellphone.
You know how it works. You’ve got your Bible (or Bible app) open. You’re ready to focus on the Lord and suddenly, your phone starts buzzing, dinging or singing, depending on your sound settings. Social media notifications, text messages and email notices demand your attention. And before you know it, you’re distracted.
If you’re serious about safeguarding your devotional time, silence your phone so you can hear God’s voice without intrusion. If you’re the techy type who uses your smart phone for the Bible app, stay focused on that alone and tell yourself, absolutely no surfing the web or checking outside messages!
#2 Make an appointment with God.
You have appointments set for visits to the doctor, dentist and even the hair salon. So why leave your God time to chance? Make an appointment.
Pick the time of day when you’ll visit with “Dr. Jesus” and stick to it. Don’t let anything get in the way of that. Even set the reminder on your phone so you won’t forget. Now that’s a good use of technology!
#3 Tell loved ones Do Not Disturb.
One of my good friends goes to prayer every day at 12:30. For years, she has reminded me not to disturb her at this time, because it’s devoted to God. If I do forget and call her during prayer hour, I get no answer. A couple years ago I began implementing her strategy and it has worked wonders in my life. I now have my own “do not disturb” time and you should, too.
Though you love your family and friends, and want to be there for them, it’s okay to ask them to honor a certain hour of the day. If you make the request, they will respond respectfully. For those who insist on reaching out, or simply forget, make yourself unavailable. They’ll survive until prayer and study time is over.
#4 Get a handle on your schedule.
Many people say, I just can’t find time to read my word and pray like I should. Too much work. Too many obligations. Not enough time in a day. But if you’re too busy to spend time with God, you’re just too busy—plain and simple.
Begin examining your schedule and see if it’s unnecessarily cluttered. Really think about what you do in a day. You’ll be surprised by all the time-stealers masquerading as important tasks. You may even be shocked by how much time you spend searching the Internet, social networking, watching TV, texting, or talking on the phone. Get a handle on your schedule!
#5 Start with a 21-Day challenge.
It’s widely believed that it takes 21 days to develop a new habit. So challenge yourself for the next three weeks to implement the strategies you have read here. It’s important that you don’t skip a single day.
If you develop a habit of making God your first priority, you will grow by leaps and bounds spiritually, and lived a more blessed life.
Think about it: what better habit to develop than being with the Lord?
If you want to be close to God, you have to make the first step. James 4:8 says, “Come near to God and he will come near to you…”.
If you want to be close to God, you have to make the first step. James 4:8 says, “Come near to God and he will come near to you…”.