A Clay cannot mold itself, only God has the power to properly shapeand guide our life. God the Potter is sovereign over the clay. The clay needs to submit to the Potter in order to be formed into
something useful according to His will. It means that we’re not in the hands of “chance” or “blind fate” but
in the hands of the Person of God Almighty, who is not just our Creator, but our Father. As our Father, He is personally concerned for our lives and wants to see the best for us ( Isaiah 64:8).
Gospel rap artist CHURCHboi (ChildOfYahweh) made a come back with
this song titled "The Potter, The Clay".
something useful according to His will. It means that we’re not in the hands of “chance” or “blind fate” but
in the hands of the Person of God Almighty, who is not just our Creator, but our Father. As our Father, He is personally concerned for our lives and wants to see the best for us ( Isaiah 64:8).
Gospel rap artist CHURCHboi (ChildOfYahweh) made a come back with
this song titled "The Potter, The Clay".