Nigeria No. 1 Gospel Music Portal


28 February 2017

DOWNLOAD MUSIC + LYRICS: B.B. Asuquo - Nobody Like God || Free Download

Here comes a brand new spirit filled song from one of Nigeria's anointed gospel minister B.B Asuquo, Titled: "Nobody Like God".

B.B. Asuquo is a Vessel driven by the Passion & saddled with the Mandate of spreading the Gospel & Good works of God through Inspirational Gospel Music & with absolute Words, to raise the Consciousness of Men to the Sole Purpose of Creation- "Worship & Praises" to the Almighty God.

Prod. by Pastor D.

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Nobody Like God LYRICS by 
B.B. Asuquo

I have searched around the world

i have been to many places

 my eyes have seen so many faces

 but lord no one is like you

You are nothing but the best

 you are different from the rest

 you score alpha in all my test

 your power no one can contest


Have got no doubt when the bible say

you're the greatest in heaven & the earth

 i have searched enough now i can tell

 that beside you there is no one else

I came to raise my voice in praise

 to proclaim your unending reign

unto you my hands i raise

 in adoration to your name


C&R: Nobody be like my God oh (4x)

It doesn't matter what they say

 i want to praise you all my days

 because it was my price you came to pay

 when you washed my sins away

i will give you songs of praise unending

uncountable offerings

 undiluted worship 

my God i give you my all & all

He give me peace

give me joy 

 he give me hope

he shower me grace

 He give me life

give me song

give me voice he show me love

He will give you job

give you car

give you house

he will make you shine

He will give you wife

giive you husband oh

 he give you children

he will give you life

I say nobody

 sister nobody

nobody (4x) eh

nobody be like my God

i say nobody

 brother nobody

 nobody (4x) eh

 nobody be like my

>Amanam (3x) oh

amanam edidem mi Sosong ooh.
Meaning: You have done well my King Thank you

Connect With Him
 Facebook: Bassey Asuquo

Twitter: BB Asuquo

WhatsApp: 08179249012, 08131358616



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