Why is this happening, God? We have all wanted to know the answer to that at some point, especially because some heartaches and hardships seem to serve no purpose at all.
Even though the Lord is good all the time, life isn’t. So why is your loving, merciful, all-powerful Heavenly Father letting you endure such a difficult time? Here are 5 reasons.
Even though the Lord is good all the time, life isn’t. So why is your loving, merciful, all-powerful Heavenly Father letting you endure such a difficult time? Here are 5 reasons.
#1 He’s building character in you.
If you never faced any challenges, your character—the qualities that make you who you are—wouldn’t be very good. You would go through life spoiled, entitled and unfruitful. That’s why unpleasant seasons are necessary and helpful. Trials develop and mature you spiritually, mentally and emotionally. You’re not just going through this. You’re growing through this.
#2 He’s teaching you patience.
Most of us react to the driver in front of us sitting still at a green light by honking our horn, murmuring, complaining and feeling aggravated. Some folks have an all-out fit! The point is, nobody likes waiting. But in your spiritual walk, it is unavoidable. The Lord, who knows all things, knows there are some things you don’t need right now, plain and simple. As the saying goes, God always gives three answers: yes, no, or wait. When He says wait, that means you are not yet mature enough to handle what He has for you next. During your meantime experience, He is building character in you—enough to position you for a supernatural release.
#3 He doesn’t want you to take blessings for granted.
Children that are given everything on a silver platter are spoiled rotten and have a hard time appreciating the value of what they possess. The Lord doesn’t raise spoiled children. He is well aware of the fact that, if you don’t have to struggle to obtain what He has for you, you won’t appreciate it. You won’t treasure those good and perfect gifts sent from above. If you’ve never been sick, you take your health for granted. If you’ve never been broke, you take financial stability for granted. If you’ve never been rejected, you take open doors of opportunity for granted. Heartache and hardship have a way of helping you see the value of what God offers. After things break down in your life, you’ll be more grateful for the breakthrough.
#4 He is humbling you.
Proverbs 8:13 says God hates pride! Have you ever encountered a prideful know-it-all who thinks they have all the answers and can do anything they want? That kind of person has not learned humility. God won’t let you be that person. As He humbled Israel in the wilderness, He also brings you through the wilderness to work that pride out of you. Consider Jesus, our ultimate teacher, who humbled Himself to die a criminal’s death on the cross for you and me. If Christ was humbled in order to fulfill His mission on earth, you, too, will be humbled to equip you to live out your divine purpose.
#5 He is drawing you closer to Him.
Some are caught up in the success-seeking rat race. Others fall into a cycle of busyness. Some individuals get complacent with where they are because they are comfortable. Their prayer life suddenly falls off a cliff. Their set-aside Bible study time becomes less consistent. Life becomes all about me, me, me and there is no room left for God. That’s when the Lord allows storm clouds to head their way. He knows the struggles you face push you to seek His face. The trouble drives you into communion with God. And when you get closer to Him, He can give you a deeper revelation of who He is, as well as a better grasp of who you are in Him.
Whatever the reason you're going through, the most important thing to know is that God is on your side and this is all working together for your good!
So keep your head up.
So keep your head up.