Nigeria No. 1 Gospel Music Portal


14 March 2017

God is Speaking. Can You Hear Him? Seven (7) Ways to Receive Revelation From the Lord || Read For Free

“The Lord said to me…”

Have you ever heard someone say this and wondered, The Lord spoke to you? What does He sound like?  If so, you are not alone.

Many Christians feel like hearing the voice of God is a supernatural gift reserved for an elite group of worshippers—but not so! The Lord speaks to all His people in various ways; you just have to know how to listen and what to listen for.

Today, Empowering Everyday Women Ministries is helping you understand 7 ways to hear God’s voice and receive revelation from Him. But know that He is not limited to what is on our list.

For example, in Numbers 22, He spoke through a donkey. In Exodus 3, He spoke out of a burning bush. In Matthew 3, He spoke in a loud voice from heaven to affirm that Jesus was indeed the son of God.

As you see, there are many methods the Lord uses to get His message across, so be open. If you want to hear from Him, here are 7 common ways.

#1 Examine His word.
According to Hebrews 4:12, the Word of God is “living and active” (ESV), and the Lord definitely speaks to us through the Bible. The Bible is a collection of God’s lessons
and love letters to us, and you can never open it without learning something new or reading a verse that seems to have been written just for you in your current situation. If you want to hear God’s voice, read your Word!

#2 Enter into worship.
To hear God’s voice, you must first know what it sounds like. In order to grow accustomed to anyone’s voice, you must spend time with them. Turn on some worship music, carve time out of your busy day to spend with God, and offer up prayers. Psalm 119:108 (ESV) says, “Accept my freewill offerings of praise, O LORD, and teach me your rules.” To engage in praise is to engage in fellowship with the Lord, and it is through communing with God that we learn His will and His ways.

#3 Submit to His will.
You cannot expect to hear the Lord speak if you are living in a state of constant rebellion. You must be open to receiving whatever it is He may tell you, rather than insisting on your own way. It is one thing not to know the voice of God and another to hear it and disobey. Jesus said in John 14:21 (NLT), “Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.” God speaks to those who are willing to listen.

#4 Seek confirmation.
Confirmation is when the Lord puts a word or a feeling in your heart, then reiterates the word through someone or something else. Have you ever read something in the Bible that ministered to your spirit, then went to church and heard the same message being preached from the pulpit? Or have you ever had a certain feeling, and a brother or sister in Christ says something to affirm that feeling without you telling them anything? That’s confirmation.

#5 Listen to your leader.
Stay tuned in to those sermons on Sunday, the Lord may be trying to reach you through your church leader! The Lord has called certain people to preach, and be shepherds of His church. But be discerning; if the preacher speaks a word that does not line up with God’s Word, the message is to be disregarded (Galatians 1:8). Take in the words of a leader
you know you can trust, and pray that God reveal to you those who are for Him, and especially those who are not.

#6 Heed the voice of the Lord’s Prophets.
There are certain people that the Lord will give a direct message to, allowing them to foretell the future, give a warning or even bring confirmation. But, as with the preachers, you must weigh the prophet or prophetess’s words against the Word of God, because there are a whole lot of people who say “‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says’— when the LORD has not spoken” (Ezekiel 22:28).

#7 Pay attention to dreams and visions.
God may have anointed you to receive advice or forewarnings through dreams and visions. If you believe your dreams have meanings, get in contact with a trusted leader, or someone else you believe can interpret the dream. If you’re not sure who that person may be, pray and ask God to lead you to an interpreter of dreams. He may even give you the meaning, rather than an outside source.

There are no shortage of ways that God speaks to us, and the words He utters are not often in an audible, booming voice.

He may speak through the Bible, a dream. He could send a sister or brother in Christ to share a good word with you. However He does it God does speak, and you will hear Him clearly once you learn how to listen.

 By: Empowering Everyday Women

