Be Glorified by Rhema
Innocent Rhema O. Aligba popularly known as KingRhema hails from the north central part of edo state, he is based in FCT Abuja, studied computer science at Auchi polytechnic edo state. he is a man radically addicted to the expansion of the Gospel of christ Jesus he is worshiper, a song writter, andan interior
designer. he has ministered with local and international Gospel Artist.
designer. he has ministered with local and international Gospel Artist.
This song be Glorified came out of a place of encounter 3 years ago while still in school serving as the Music director of the Anointed voices choir of corporate worship. the song has been a blessing and a testimony of how awesome and Amazing our God is, and its in him we live, we move, and we
have our being. friends this God deserves all the Glory.
have our being. friends this God deserves all the Glory.