Nigeria No. 1 Gospel Music Portal


01 April 2018

EXCLUSIVE!!! Praisejamzblog Interview With Nigerian DJ Who Launched The 1st 24/7 "Non-Stop" Music Channel

Praisejamzblog Interview With Nigerian DJ Who Launched The 1st 24/7 "Non-Stop" Music Channel.

With a burning ambition to reinvent gospel music and present a new flavour to the audience, DJ Collins of LoveWorld Radio Networks is stretching the elasticity of the traditional Gospel Music Industry. 

The ambition, confidence and creativity are in full display in the lifestyle of this fast rising gospel disc jockey, who would be described as young,  visionary, skillful and highly creative, challenging conventional industry norms, and rewriting the rules for the next generation of gospel  music practitioners.


Praisejamzblog caught up with the award winning star and he had quite some mind-blowing insights to reveal to us. See excerpts from the interview below:

PraiseJamzBlog: You have just launched a mobile app, described by tech geeks as one of the most innovative mobile application in music streaming. Can you explain to us, what is the app all about and how did you come about it?

DJ Collins: Thank you. We have a new music chanel, called LoveWorld 360 Mix, it was launched on the platform of LoveWorld Radio Networks and powered by CETunes (the mobile app that houses the network of stations). CETune is one of the most powerful and innovative mobile applications on the android services. At the moment, there 50 channels on the network, but LoveWorld 360 Mix channel is the number one on the platform because of the high demand and subcription for the DJ music streaming service that we provide. 

PraiseJamzBlog: So how does it work? How can one listen to the channel?

DJ Collins: It's quite simply. Just download CETunes from the android stores, then select LoveWorld 360 Mix, which is the number one station on the list and you can listen all day, no matter where you are. We're actually having more downloads of the app and more listnership from countries very far from here. People love it all the way from Japan, USA, Arab Emirates, India, China and all around the world, we keep getting good reports of how people are excited, uplifted and blessed listening to the station.

PraiseJamzBlog: Wow, that's quite interesting. So how does that make you feel knowing that people from other countries are inspired by the good work you're doing?

DJ Collins: I feel great, I give the glory to God. That was the original plan and expectation. We realize in our ministry, that the world has simply been reduced to a global community with majority of the young people, especially those referred to as the millennial spending most of their time on the internet.  They live their life on the virtual world basically, which is the cyberspace, so we take our message there to where they are. The Bible instructed us to make disciples of all nations, to preach the Word to every creature, in Jerusalem and to Judaea and to the uttermost parts of the earth. That includes the internet. So having said that, I feel quite satisfied hearing from people in different parts of the world getting blessed and inspired by the content of our new channel. It feels really good.

PraiseJamzBlog: The concept of disc-jockeying is still new in the gospel music industry. I mean we don't have as much gospel DJs as there are secular DJs out there. And here you are, absolutely convinced that you're on the right track; and ofcourse you're breaking the records already. How did you break out?

DJ Collins: Oh well...I can tell you that I have a calling to do what I am doing. When God calls you out for a purpose, He also equips you with the right skillset and tools to carry out that divine assignment. All you needed was to depend on God's ability to take you through the entire process. He actually goes ahead of you to prepare everything you would need along the way. He makes divine provision for you.

PraiseJamzBlog: I also hear you're an evangelist. This will be the first time I will be meeting a DJ cum evangelist.

DJ Collins: Who's an evangelist? 

PraiseJamzBlog: Someone who wins souls

DJ Collins: And do you win souls?

PraiseJamzBlog: Yes

DJ Collins: So you too an evangelist... Anyways, yes I am both. As a matter of facts, I actually use my deejaying to preach the good news  of our gospel. So yes, you're right I'm a DJ-evangelist. And it is quite interesting because music a universal language. The old, young, colored, male, female and people from all walks of life have a thing for music. But then, it all depends on the type of music. Mine is the gospel music genre and I am absolutely convinced that it is the best kind and the most potent. I said this last year, when Music Africa featured me as the most influential young disc jockey in Africa, and I said that Gospel music is the only genre of music that has the power to heal the soul, even heal the sick and make miracles happen. No Other genre of music has that ability. Our music contains the powerful Word of God, which is able to set people free from oppession and bondage of darkness. Other types of music can only make you feel good or dance etc.

PraiseJamzBlog: What are the challenges you face being a gospel DJ which is not very popular in this part of the world?

DJ Collins: Expectedly, people are always surprised at your arrival or introduction. They never expected to see a gospel DJ, but here I am doing what I do with joy and excitement and before long they get to love and appreciate what I do because I'm good at it and quite passionate as well. So I don't see any challenges, just allow me do my job. Oh there are some times, a lot of time when I'm playing at a concert or event and someone walks up to request you to play one aweful secular song. I laugh because I understand where such people are coming from.

PraiseJamzBlog: So do you oblige? 

DJ Collins: Ofcourse not.

PraiseJamzBlog: Some folks think that Gospel music is boring. How do you react to that?

DJ Collins: Far from it, Gospel music is actually very exciting and full of fun, it just depends on who's leading and who's following. Yes, seriously...that's why I invite you to my LoveWorld 360 Mix channel. What better way to convince you. I've heard people say gospel is boring until they tuned into our channel. So I encourage you to go download CETUNES mobile app from Android stores and select LoveWorld 360 Mix to listen to 24/7 from wherever you are in the world.

PraiseJamzBlog: Do you have a mentor in the disc jockey world?

DJ Collins: I have one mentor and that's my pastor, Pastor Chris Oykhilome. Apart from making the Word so clear and so real to me, he also helps me to envision realities of the present world and the future. Pastor understands the relevance and potency of the internet media and he encourages you to explore the world with the Word of God. Needless to say today that Pastor Chris has reached the whole wide world for God. Pastor is of the school of thought that so long as there is one individual on the internet, then  that soul deserves to be served with the Gospel. 

And that's really is the concept for our network of channels for radio and tv stations all over the internet, to reach that soul who's busy wandering on the internet. I feel so honored to have pastor Chris as my mentor, father and life coach, a minister of the Gospel who understands the mind of God for our present generations of mankind; that our gospel is a global one and for every living soul on the earth. And of course, for establishing this platform CETUNES, to reach every continent and country around the world with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ through music, arts and creativity.

What do you think about this interview. Kindly drop your comments below!

