Rocktown Boss Frank Edwards is perhaps the foremost Gospel Artiste in Nigeria
currently. Hear him share his story last Sunday, 24th January, at the inauguration of the Calvary Bible Church, Lekki. It was so inspiring!
Hear him! “10 years ago, I was hawking on the streets of Enugu for my
mother. We were so poor that we could hardly afford to eat. But, my
mother always took me to church. She always told me to serve GOD, and
that is how I have lived my life. Even when it was difficult to eat, I
have always lived a life of worship. That is me. That is my life! When I
started singing, and my songs were being played everywhere, I had all
kinds of offers.
I was in South Africa for a program, and some promoters
came to me and said, ‘Frank, your songs are so good, and we would like
to promote you, take you all over the world. However, you mention JESUS
too much in your songs. Replace JESUS with GOD and we can do business
together’. Brethren, that offer was very tempting. You would think,
‘what is the big deal about replacing JESUS with GOD?’ So, I called my
mother, and told her about the offer. She said, ‘Don’t mind them O!
Don’t do it O! Holy Ghost Fire burn all of them.’ So, I told them NO!
Today, GOD has taken my music all over! It’s a beautiful thing to see
white people, Americans, singing my song, Igbo songs that they don’t
even know the meaning! GOD did it.
Sometime ago, we were concluding a program, and I was looking for a
camera man to snap my picture with Don Moen. When eventually I got
someone to take the picture, as I posed with Don, he looked at me and
said, ‘Frank Edwards! It is you! I need to take this picture with you!’
And he took his phone and showed me, ‘See, I have all your songs on my
phone’. We took the snapshot, and then he said, ‘Frank, I saw online
that you have a studio in your home.
I would like us to do collaboration
together. I’m gonna come to your house for the first recording, and you
will come over to mine in U.S. for the finishing.’ Me, the same street
boy in Enugu, doing a collabo with Don Moen. Only GOD could have made it
happen. Live for GOD. Praise Him and thank Him even when things are not
as you would have loved them to be. Do this, and the change will come!
Live a life of worship”
As I write this piece, Frank Edwards should still be in the U.S,
wrapping up his one of a kind album with Don Moen. Wherever you are now,
whatever the challenge, don’t ever give up on GOD. He is not through
with you yet! Keep hope alive!
Frank Edwards