Nigeria No. 1 Gospel Music Portal


11 May 2016

NEWS: Justin Bieber Praises God for Success of "PURPOS" Tour

Justin Bieber is selling out shows on his "Purpose" tour, but is refusing to take any credit for his accomplishments.

Instead, the 22-year-old Canadian "Sorry" singer is giving God all of the glory for his musical talents.

"I am so lucky to share these moments with you, I am so glad God is able to move even when people are blind to it. ... I am the one on that stage but I am nothing without a light shining through," Bieber wrote in an Instagram post that gained 1.6 million likes at press time. "I'm such an average, ordinary person that doesn't deserve the praise. I believe it belongs to my God!"

 "Thank you God for showing up when we need you the most!"

Earlier this year, Bieber told the Mirror that he doesn't want his fans to worship him, saying that such practices of worshiping anything or anyone other than God is dangerous.

"I just want to get to a place where … I just want people to know humans aren't meant to be worshipped. ... So when a human is being worshipped, this is dangerous," he told the Mirror back in February. "It does nothing but give you pride."

Bieber admitted to being afraid when people put their faith in him, insisting that he is not God.

"I would really suggest to people, 'Don't put your faith in me.' Because I'm gonna disappoint you every time," he said. "Yeah. It's scary. But I want them to know that I'm not going to be able to solve their problems. … I'm not that higher power."

The pop sensation further admitted that he's leaning on God in his quest to become a better person.

"I feel like that's why I have a relationship with Him, because I need it. I suck by myself," he told GQ magazine. "Like, when I'm by myself and I feel like I have nothing to lean on? Terrible. Terrible person."

"If I was doing this on my own, I would constantly be doing things that are, I mean, I still am doing things that are stupid, but…It just gives me some sort of hope and something to grasp onto," Bieber said. "... A feeling of security, and a feeling of being wanted, and a feeling of being desired, and I feel like we can only get so much of that from a human."



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