#Nov14 may have become one of the most anticipated date on social media in the past week, as a number of married and single folks took to their social media pages to express their believe in sexual purity.
#Nov14 may have become one of the most anticipated date on social media in the past week, as a number of married and single folks took to their social media pages to express their believe in sexual purity.
Images of #Whysexualpurity, quotes and hilarious memes on
sexual purity spread across the social media even as some notable personalities
joined in the celebration.
The advent of #Worldsexualpurityday has indeed created more
room for the subject of purity in a world filled with a lot of sexual
temptations and this trend has preached the possibility of sexual purity.
It’s been quite a
weekend to this day which the world has chosen to celebrate the grace God has
given humanity, to live above sexual temptations and sexual immoralities.
#Worldsexualpurityday is celebrated annually on November 14th. The day is ceased to make more awareness on God's statue on righteousness and the grace he has given every individual to live this life of purity; A life free from masturbation, pornography, fornication, adultery and the likes.
Today is a celebration of everyone who has had their battle with sexual sin, those who are standing every day for sexual purity, those who fall and rise again for their love for God and purity!
Happy World Sexual Purity Day Everyone!!
Download and Get Inspired by the
Video below!
From: Sexual Purity Academy (SPA)
Twitter: @sexualpuritySPA
Instagram: @sexualpurityspa
Facebook page: Sexual Purity Academy
Join the celebration on your social media!
From: Sexual Purity Academy (SPA)
Twitter: @sexualpuritySPA
Instagram: @sexualpurityspa
Facebook page: Sexual Purity Academy
Join the celebration on your social media!