Nigeria No. 1 Gospel Music Portal


05 May 2017

Practice the Love of Christ: Support an Orphan in Need With Clothes & Shoes

Support an Orphan in Need With Clothes & Shoes.

Think about the less privilege, Think about the Orphans in the street and the poor ones living under the bridge.

"Agapestrings Love Foundation" is pleading on every individual to assist an orphan with clothes and shoes today.

In Agapestrings Words;     
"Everyone in the surface of this earth is an unknown helper to someone out there. No matter what you are facing today you are better than someone out there, so give anything you have. It doesn't matter how small it is. We are all sojourners in this world; just passing through, so we are no different than strangers today who we are commanded to make feel welcome (Matt 25:31-40). God upholds the widow and the orphans but in due time, He will bring to the wicked His judgment (Rev 20:12-15)."
When Job wrote “Because I delivered the poor who cried for help, and the fatherless who had none to help him” (Job 29:12) he was saying that he knew that it was good to help those who cannot help themselves; like the poor and the orphans. God will hold us accountable for everything we do in this life but also includes our neglecting the widows and orphans because if we do neglect them, this only proves that we are not practicing nor living out what James calls pure religions (James 1:27).

Any interested individual that is willing to support should contact
 "Agape Strings Love Foundation"

Call: +2348175403946, +2347013553958

Agapestrings is a Nigeria's fast rising gospel artiste, songwriter, guitarist, inspirational book writer who have great passion for orphans. He is also the founder of "Agapestrings Love Foundation". He grew up seeing orphaned children on the sides of the road in his community. Their faces stayed in his mind while he was away at school and when he came home he wanted to find a way to support them and give them hope and reasons to be happy even when he has no money. 
You Can also get to download one of "Agape Strings" hit song, Titled- "Show Some Love". The song speaks more about orphans and
 the less privilege.

You can as well download and enjoy more of his songs by searching them right here on or via search engine.

