Grammy-nominated Singer 'Ayiesha Woods' Will be Traveling This Fall On The "Still Happy Tour"! || See Tour Dates.
Grammy-nominated Ayiesha Woods will be traveling this Fall on the "Still Happy Tour"! There is an incredibly low tour honorarium requested along with 2 x Double Occupancy Hotel rooms and dinner for 6. The tour will be traveling with full sound production!
Tour Dates:
September 8-10 - Southeast US
September 15 - Southeast US
September 22-23 - Southeast US
September 29-30 - Southeast US
October 6 - Southeast US
October 13-15 - Southeast US
October 20-22 - Southeast US
October 27-29 - Southeast US
September 8-10 - Southeast US
September 15 - Southeast US
September 22-23 - Southeast US
September 29-30 - Southeast US
October 6 - Southeast US
October 13-15 - Southeast US
October 20-22 - Southeast US
October 27-29 - Southeast US
For more details on hosting one of these incredible concerts at your church, email Chris Leader at!